We’re often asked why we don’t just send a proof by email. There are a number of reasons, here are the most important ones-
The technology used to present colours on a screen is different to that used in printing, this results in slight but noticeable differences in how colours appear. This applies no matter what is printed and no matter which company is carrying out the printing.
Even monitors/tablets of the same type/model as one another will have had their colour settings altered over time, it is rare that users calibrate their devices.
Your graphic designer is likely to calibrate their device but if you don’t then the colours on your device will look slightly different to those on theirs.
Different ink colours used together may look ok on a screen. However, small white text (for example) on a yellow background when printed on a plastic card or anything else for that matter may not stand out as well as you intended.
If you’d like to know more then please look at the following http://www.andrewkelsall.com/printing-mistakes-errors-need-avoid/
If you’re not entirely happy with the cards we print for you to approve you can always send revised artwork and we’ll print more, if we simply send you a proof by email you won’t know how your cards will look until your order is delivered.